I painted all the interior parts bone white before giving it a sepia wash. The control panel was fun using red, yellow, blue and green to create a neat looking panel.
Once the kit was put together it was undercoated white and then panel lines were shaded. In addition I put bolt gun metal patches in strategic positions to create a beaten up look after I had sprayed the main colour on.
Prior to spraying in Angels Green I put water on the boltgum metal patches and then sprinkled on some kosher salt. After this had dried I sprayed the model a couple of times with the main colour and then once dry I washed off the salt to reveal the metal paint underneath.
After that it was down to adding the details: lights, windscreen surrounds, the tracks themselves and then when it was all together I gave the whole model a wash in Flory's Dark Wash to accentuate the details. This was selectively wiped off with a wet paper towel after it had dried.
Last step, a couple of coats of gloss lacquer followed by a flat lacquer. This should stand up to being played with by my son. A reasonable gaming standard I think. I have to say these Warhammer models look great. I've done a few now for my son and have enjoyed painting them enormously.
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