Sunday, January 6, 2013

Airfix Hurricane Mk IIc build - Part Two

Nothings ever easy. I guess the new etch from Eduard is designed for the new Airfix Hurricane MkIIc/Sea Hurricane.

When I went to install the etch cockpit it fouled on the undercarriage molding in the wing. Frustrating. I therefore proceeded to "remodel" the etch somewhat. Not sure I was too successful but I have now buttoned up the model and it looks OK.

I did learn something new with the model. I've used Mr Surfacer 500 for gap filling. What I didn't know was that you can smooth it out with Isopropyl alcohol (Rubbing alcohol). I read about this in an Airfix Model World Article so I tried this out on the wing root gaps. It worked a treat.

Essentially all I did was put Mr Surfacer in the gap and along it so it stood proud of the model surface. I then gently wiped away the excess with a cotton bud soaked in the rubbing alcohol. This gave a really nice smooth join that needed very little sanding afterwards to finish it off.

The resin set had arrived so at this stage I added the new cannons, and the carburretor air intake. Not sure you can see it too well in this picture but the detail is great as is the etch screen that goes inside the raditor cowling.

At this point I had to decide on my colour scheme and decals. I ended up buying an Xtradecal set for the the Hurricane IIc. (Code X72-113).

This is only the second set of after market decals I have purchased and I am hugely impressed. The color sheets provide great information. I was really torn as to which scheme to go with. In the end I plumped for BE500/LK-A of 87 Sqdn flown by Sqn Ldr Smallwood in the summer of 1942. Its a night fighter all over black scheme with a yellow propeller boss. Looks great.

So that's where we are at. Right now I am fitting the cockpit front ready for spraying the model. More to come.

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