Monday, January 2, 2012

Clearing the decks part one

Building model plastic construction kits was something I got in to at a very early age, probably like most people. I started out building the Series One Airfix kits in little bags that my dad bought me at the weekends. As I got into my teens I built larger projects (Saturn V Rocket springs to mind) until I discovered other more interesting things to do with my free time.

Fast forward to recent times. The quality of kits available has improved enormously, my skills are a little better now and with the masses of available resources from model making masters out there it is easier to make a real eye catching model to be proud of.

So when I received an Airfix 1/48 scale Sea Vixen kit for Christmas from my very bright sister I had to change my approach to my hobby time.

I usually have two or three projects on the go at any one time and for the past couple of years they have all been miniatures or in a couple of cases some model specifically for the miniatures. But this Sea Vixen will demand a great deal of attention if I am to do the kit justice.

As most people will know the Sea Vixen from Airfix is a part of that companies resurgence. Having been saved  from the scrap heap the company is now reinvigorated as a significant model making company again. Just like the 1/24 scale Mosquito (which I have waiting in the closet) this is a completely new model of an intriguing subject. The quality of the kit is up there with the best of them.

In order to give this kit the attention it deserves I finished up all my projects, totally cleared off my work area, cleaned all the surfaces, repositioned the lights and only brought back in to the work area those tools I know I will need for the project.

The first item to be finished off was two DBA armies I had been working on. After having watched the movie Centurion I determined to fight some Pict versus Roman battles of my own. I bought my miniatures from Essex Miniatures and painted them up using the Osprey Reference Warrior 50 and pictures of similar models I found on the internet.

The Romans benefited from some shield transfers from Little Big Men Studios but I still need a few more so I have some transfers in the mail from Veni Vidi Vici to complete the auxilliaries.

Roman Generals view of the field


The Legion arriving

Pict army waiting to pounce

The Picts

Pictish hardmen

Roman Legion

The General


Not to be messed with.

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