Saturday, December 15, 2012

What next?

At the end of my last post I mentioned I had made a start on my Airfix Lancaster. well that didn't last long. Somehow it just seemed to big a task for right now so I started messing around with other projects.

I got well down the path with a Games workshop Mumak. Impressive kit but it needs a lot of filling sanding and re-scribing to make it look anything like ready for display.

I think one very important point to make about htis model is that it is essential in my mind to pin all the pieces to be glued to the main body: ears, tail, tusks, trunk should all be pinned otherwise theywill undoubtedly get knocked off at some point in the future.

Once the joins are gone and the other parts pinned in place though painting is relatively easy.

The model was first base coated in Dark Sea Grey. This was applied with an airbrush. Next came a heavy wash of ink mixed from Black and Devlan Mud. Excess ink was removed with a dry paper towel so that the ink stayed in the folds of the model only.

After that I went with successive dry brushing layers of London Grey (VJ) and Fortress Grey (GW) finishing with a mix of Fortress Grey and Off White (VJ).

Tusks and toe nails were all base coated Bone white (VJ) and then got successive layers of Scorched Brown (GW), Bestial Brown (GW), Snakebite Leather( GW) to represent the cuticle aresa. I final light wash of Gryphonne Sepia (GW) blended it all together.

The Saddle and wood and basket work on the back are in progress - not sure when I'll be done but here's the beast as it stands so far.

While all this was going on I was also finishing off my Scots Greys from the summer. They are all painted now and just need their bases done so more of them later. I also painted more Warhammer for my son, Did a battalion if Union Infantry using the Army Painter method and got started on a Scots War band for my Saga game. Phew.

And if all that wasn't enough I got bored with everything and decided I really need to build my Airfix Hurricane Mk IIc so that's what's next ... and this one I'm going to finish, honest.
As always I would love to hear from fellow modellers. Here comes the Hurricane.

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