Saturday, November 3, 2012

Airfix FollandGnat build - Part Six

Good news. Customer Service at Airfix are sending me a replacement canopy! Thank you Airfix.

So having got over my depression from wrecking the original canopy I forged ahead and completed the painting and decal fixing. There are numerous small decals on the provided sheet some of which almost disappear against the metallic finish but the Red, White and Blues really contrast great with the orange. Micro Set and Micro Sol were used to attach the decals and everything is locked in with Tamiya Clear.

So now I am waiting for the post to deliver the replacement canopy and then I'll finish it off.

I'm going to try one more new product on this model. I have a bottle of ProModeller Dark Wash coming from Flory Models in the UK. These guys have a good support web site for their store with some valuable resources.

Here's how the model looks so far.

Once I have the canopy in hand and have applied the dark wash I'll post some final images. For now its time to consider the next project.

I will spend a few days finsihing off my Scots Greys and some of my sons Warhammer Space Marines. After that I have to figure out do I build another model or hit my figure stash.

Possibilities include:

Airfix Vulcan
Airfix Angel Interceptor
Airfix Chipmunk
Airfix HMS Fearless

Perry Confederate Infantry
Perry Zouaves
Indian War Party - Muskets & Tomahawks
Scots - SAGA

Anyone care to make a suggestion?

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