Bit of a delay in working on this model. My son recently got into Warhammer 40K so I have spent the past two weeks painting up Space Marines, Terminators and Hellbrutes for him!
Anyway back to the Gnat. Seams were fixed using Mr Surfacer 500 filler. I love this stuff. It can be applied using a small brush so you have complete control over where it goes. It dries quickly and is easily sanded.
Once that is over with I spray a coat of Mr Surfacer 1000. This shows up any blemishes that need to be dealt with and then polishes up with Micro grit to provide a good surface for painting.
The model fit is quite good. I would recommend fitting the engine intake cowlings to the fuselage halves while they are still on the sprue.
I must have been day dreaming because I installed the undercarriage prior to spraying. Not too smart and not something I would normally do. At this scale the parts are very fragile. Anyway its done so I'll just get on with it.
Next up will be spraying on the orange paint!
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