The cockpit parts provided paint up nicely especially if you follow you references (Airfix's recommendations are a bit basic)and the Airscale control panel set includes decals for the compass and the bomb aiming device so you quickly get a good looking "office" with little effort.
When looking at the throttle box though I just didn't like the moulded control rods so I cut them off and made my own from brass rod.
I also made two rudder actuators from plasticard and hung them down the side of the pedals. I then ran two pieces of stretched sprue back under the pilots seat to represent the rudder control wires.
You can see in the shots here they add a nice touch when looking down in to the cockpit and when looking up through the crew hatch.
Dry fitting the fuselage halves together showed there were going to be no problems so with the halves taped and clamped I ran solvent down the seams. Job done.
I am very happy with the final shot. I haven't done any weathering at this point but I do expect to put some wear in to the floor area with some oil filters later on.
For now though I am going to turn to the wing and get it ready for joining with the fuselage.